Statement on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

It’s taken a bit to get this pulled together, between sorting out my (Rev. Janet) personal opinions, and official church belief, and the utter rage that I personally feel over this decision. Let’s talk about the things we say: We are all sacred. We are made of star stuff. You are God/You are Goddess. TheContinue reading “Statement on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade”

Candles For Oxford School Shooting

In lieu of an in-person vigil, we’re going to try lighting virtual candles. Light a candle using the form below and we’ll publish them through the next few days. Make sure you click the “school shooting” category so your candle appears on this post. Your name is required by the app (and so far, IContinue reading “Candles For Oxford School Shooting”

Statement: Politicians and Witchcraft

As the head of a religious organization with members who may consider themselves witches, and someone who often refers to themselves as a witch, I was dismayed and disgusted to hear that the chair of the Michigan Republican party, while in our area for an event this week, felt the need to not only callContinue reading “Statement: Politicians and Witchcraft”

Spiral Moon Church