About the Directory and Classifieds Sections

We make no guarantees about the accuracy of the listings here. While we’ve verified most links, we’ve probably missed some that have died since our last run-through, and we’ve probably missed some newer shops and groups.


Please feel free to leave reviews. Reviews are moderated and will not post immediately. Please remember this is a family friendly site, and your review may be edited for inflammatory or inappropriate content.

Please make sure to verify locations and operating hours of businesses before heading out.

If you buy or sell anything here, please use common sense and take appropriate safety precautions.

Ask your favorite businesses if they are listed on this directory. If you want, you can add businesses too, and they can come and claim their listings later.


If you don’t see your listing here, please feel free to make an account on the site and add it.

If you do see your listing, please make an account on the site and claim it. You can then make your own edits – add photos, videos, links, etc.

New listings and new claims are moderated. Listings are approved within 48 hrs.

Michigan Pagan Chamber of Commerce members can get free featured listings – please consider joining us.

Sale, In Search of, and Job Postings

We have not verified this info, so use at your own risk. Use common sense and appropriate safety precautions when listing or responding.

We reserve the right to remove any and all ads that are inappropriate.

Spiral Moon Church