Thoughts for 2024

We’re thinking about trying something new next year: a monthly “Seeker’s Salon,” consisting of a 2 hour block, part social, part free basic class (think Wicca/Pagan 101 type subjects). If that sounds interesting, please use the poll below to let us know what sorts of topics you’d like to see in these classes. We’re alsoContinue reading “Thoughts for 2024”

Community Safety Updates

It’s always been my intention to make sure that we’re doing what we can to make sure that all attendees at our events are safe. I’ve said in the past that I think that means that many volunteers need background checks, volunteers who work with our youth need training and guidelines on appropriate conduct, andContinue reading “Community Safety Updates”

Updates – We’re Official!

First, let’s start off with the excitement of the week: We’re officially a 501(c)3 organization, all official and everything. So, that opens up many opportunities for us. There are some things to follow up on, paperwork wise, for us to have access to things like facebook fundraising, but other funding options will be available asContinue reading “Updates – We’re Official!”

Spiral Moon Church