Little Witches Ball 2023

It’s that time again! We are currently planning for the Little Witches Ball. Volunteers needed for planning and organizing. Click the link to sign up. Sponsors also needed. Typically it takes several hundred dollars to put this event on, between food and hall and so on. We want to keep it affordable for families, andContinue reading “Little Witches Ball 2023”

Toys for Yule Update

We are accepting applications through Saturday at this link. We have one family so far in need of assistance this Yule. Family #1 is a parent and 7 year old child. The child is interested in Spider Man, Boxing, and Hot Wheels. The parent says they mostly shop at Kroger and WalMart. If you wouldContinue reading “Toys for Yule Update”

A Few Reminders

Donations can be sent to or submitted on our Donations page. The contest for gift card accounts and purchases continues through the end of December. Win free gift cards! If you don’t want to set up an account to purchase gift cards, you can order them directly from us. We place a group orderContinue reading “A Few Reminders”

Toys for Yule

Over the years, a variety of organizations have organized a Yule gifting program specifically for the children in our community, particularly those whose families might be struggling to make ends meet. This year, we’d like to take on that role. With that in mind, we’ll be opening up applications. We’ll keep applications open through DecemberContinue reading “Toys for Yule”

Blasphemy is Illegal?

Do you know what blasphemy is? I thought I did…but then I heard that it was illegal in Michigan. I think I knew that, actually, based on a case that made national news a few years back over someone cursing while on a canoe trip. So, I decided to go look it up. Blasphemy noun, plural blas·phe·mies.Continue reading “Blasphemy is Illegal?”

Spiral Moon Church