Updates – We’re Official!

First, let’s start off with the excitement of the week: We’re officially a 501(c)3 organization, all official and everything. So, that opens up many opportunities for us. There are some things to follow up on, paperwork wise, for us to have access to things like facebook fundraising, but other funding options will be available as soon as I open a bank account. Library book donations and other donations are now tax deductible, and in most cases, we should be able to sign off on volunteer hours for any school or other program.

The Pagan Parenting apps are still in progress. Trying to make enough changes to them to get them through Apple’s process, and wanting to only do it one more time.

Spiral Moon TV is on a brief pause, as the solution we thought we had won’t work. We’re working on yet another solution, but it’s back to writing code and setting up a server to host videos. Hoping to make progress on this by the end of the year.

We’ve also launched Semaphore News, a SE Michigan centered Pagan news outlet. Submit stories or press releases, and get your daily info about happenings in our area.

The Education Center is up and running. We have a few more classes to shift over, and then it’ll be on to new class offerings. Our parochial school, Spiral Moon Academy, is not opening this school year, but we’re hoping to get the doors open for next fall.

Published by JanetCallahan

Rev. Janet Callahan is a practicing witch, with nearly 30 years of experience. She has trained in multiple traditions and currently lives in Troy with her family.

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Spiral Moon Church