SpiralMoon TV Show Listing

Spiral Moon TV is brought to you by generous donors like you. Donate now to support our work!

Most Recent

Background with a blue wall, a blue and white tabletop, and a silver professional-looking microphone. Black text: Live Broadcasts

Live Broadcasts

Globe on a blue background. White text: Semaphore News Weekly Update

Most recent weekly news broadcast for Metro Detroit

Video on Demand – Shows

Black background with a multi-color soundwave. Glowing turquoise text: The Om Show

Sound healing and other relaxation options

Lady Arianrhod’s school covers many Pagan parenting topics

Forest of trees in the background. White text: Magical Family

Magical home practices and Pagan Parenting

Video On Demand – Categories

Newspapers in the background. Turquoise text: Pagan News

News of all types. Reports from events, weekly updates, and more

Wolf Run Wildlife and Spiritual Sanctuary Logo and Name on a pale marbled background

Videos from Wolf Run Wildlife and Spiritual Sanctuary

Peach background with numerous flowers and plants and small wooden bowls of powders. Black text: Energy work and holistic healing

Energy work, sound healing, and other holistic topics

trees by a lake, with the text Nature Sounds

Sounds of Nature

Spiral Moon Events

Spiral Moon Events

Weavers of the Web ATC logo

Weavers of the Web, ATC, based in Lansing

Coming Soon

gold foil on a purple background. Black text: Divination

Shows about various types of divination

A grouping of various glass vials and bottles, along with a candle holder with 2 lit candles, in front of a fire in a fireplace. White text: Magical Topics

Magical skills and techniques of all sorts

A woman in sandals, jeans, and an orange tank top laying on a beige couch, with many different colored shopping bags. Yellow text: Pagan Shopping Network

Pagan Shopping Network – information from Pagan businesses for your shopping pleasure.

gold foil on a purple background. Black text: Pagan Music

Featuring Pagan musicians

gold foil on a purple background. Black text: Talk Shows

Conversations, Interviews, and more.

yellow background with a lightbulb. In black text, "Your Ideas"

Got an idea? Want your own show? Let’s talk!

Spiral Moon Church