Spiral Moon TV Updates

Spiral Moon TV logo on a sparkly yellow background

It’s been a bit since my last blog post, but we’ve been busy behind the scenes (sometimes literally). We’ve been to Convocation, we’ve been having various chat nights and chat mornings, we’ve completed Toys for Yule and moved on to our Ostara Eggstravaganza. We’ve made keychains that you can tap with your phone to get to our websites (and I ought to add a QR code to the next batch).

But mostly the last few weeks we’ve been hard at work on Spiral Moon TV and getting us where we want to be.

Spiral Moon TV logo on a sparkly yellow background

After a few false starts and a few glitches, we’re up and running here on our site, and on Roku. Amazon has been submitted and should be available soon.

We’ve got new live streaming systems in place, and have been “simulcasting” the weekly news report to Facebook and our site, and starting this weekend, we’ll be sending that to our new YouTube channel as well. It’s also being recorded, so you can watch later. This weekend’s board meeting will also be available in several locations.

This will also allow us to cover some of the costs of this endeavor by setting up livestreaming for other organizations. Details to be published soon…

We are always looking for additional content – if you have a video series, or are interested in doing one either recorded ahead of time or live, let’s chat!

And, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that we’re not the first or even the only Pagan TV channel – there’s Pagan World and FringeTV – both are online, and both are on Roku, although you need a code to find Fringe there. And there’s other media sources – International Pagan Radio, Iowa Pagan News Radio, and a number of others (have you ever searched “Pagan Radio” on facebook? It’s fascinating!) We’re always on the lookout for other media outlets that might interest you, so let us know what you find!

Published by JanetCallahan

Rev. Janet Callahan is a practicing witch, with nearly 30 years of experience. She has trained in multiple traditions and currently lives in Troy with her family.

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Spiral Moon Church