Toys for Yule
Toys for Yule

Over the years, a variety of organizations have organized a Yule gifting program specifically for the children in our community, particularly those whose families might be struggling to make ends meet. This year, we'd like to take on that role.

glass bauble reflecting christmas tree
Photo by Bob SpringBob54 on

With that in mind, we'll be opening up applications. We'll keep applications open through December 10. In late November, we'll post a page with links to wishlists that we'll set up for families so that those who are interested in helping provide a happy holiday can help out. We'll also have options available for people to donate cash or gift cards so that we can try to make sure that every family that applies gets at least some assistance.

Since this is our first year doing this, we have no idea how it will go, or how many donations we will have. But we know that the community has been generous in the past, and likely will be this year and in the future as well.

To apply, please fill out this form. We'll follow up with you to make sure we've got everything covered.

3 thoughts on “Toys for Yule”

  1. Good evening I was looking to find a way to get my son Christmas presents I’ve been in the pagan community for 10 years now and I got this from Gordon thank you so much

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