Child Check-in/Check-out

We are using Kidddo as our check-in/check-out system. This system allows us to check in your children, print a nametag for them, and make sure they get returned to you at the end of our event. The system also allows us to track medical info you give us - this is the perfect space for including allergies, unusual fears, or other medical needs that we might need to know about. It also allows us to text you if we need you to return due to a problem.
If this is your first time using our check-in system, please come to our in-person check-in station and hit the plus sign on the screen to add your family.

Once you're added, you can sign children in and out using the phone number you've provided as part of your account at this station, or you can scan this QR code to get to our touch-free login page, and check your family in or out.