I'm in the process of getting these on the Google calendar and Facebook and Eventbrite. There's so much organizing to do just for something simple like this - I miss the days when you sent a couple emails and posted fliers in a few businesses 🙂

Generally speaking, the rules of all of our chats are the same: All are welcome, as long as you're following our general rules: play nice, no bigotry of any sort, no spam. If you aren't following the rules you will be removed from the chat, and if you are removed more than once you're subject to being banned from the chats and/or all SMFC events, groups, and functions. Issues outside of these chats that are brought to us will follow our standard policies on harassment and safeguarding.
For the month of June, all meetings except possibly the youth meetings, will be held virtually. July will be determined in late June. Please check Google calendar or the Facebook events for the links.
First Sunday of the Month
2:00 pm: Youth group (ages 5-11, most likely)
3:00 pm: Youth group (ages 12-17, most likely)
Second Sunday of the Month
2:00 pm: Welcome Wagon Chat. New to the area? New to being Pagan? New to the group? Not new at all? It's all good, all are welcome, come with questions and we'll talk about the community.
3:00 pm: Disability Chat. For all disabled Paganfolk, whether that's disabled in the legal/government sense or in the chronic condition that might result in the legal definition.
Third Sunday of the Month
2:00 pm: Social Justice Chat. This chat will center around social justice issues in the Pagan community, and in a broader sense, with a goal of working towards more just communities. We will be discussing hard topics, so bring your grown-up pants and be ready to work. Social justice includes, but is not limited to: racism, climate change, voting rights, healthcare access, food security, refugee issues, gun violence, and sex & gender related issues.
3:00 pm: Parenting Chat. All things Pagan Parenting.
Fourth Sunday of the Month
2:00 pm: POC Chat. This space will be centered around the needs of Black, Indigenous, and other Pagans of color. Note that this is not about skin tone per se, but about culture and lived experience. This is not to say that white people cannot join and listen in, but the conversation is not about you, and your insistence on centering yourself will result in your removal.
3:00 pm: Community Chat. Our monthly community chat. Come say hi, talk about what's going on in the community, ask questions, etc. All are welcome.
Fifth Sunday of the Month (when there is one)
2:00 pm: SMFC business meeting. Current status of the organization and next steps.